Monday, December 04, 2006

I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, here I am in New York City!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So far it has surpassed my expectations! Everything during my trip here went smoothly -- found Lauren no problem, went straight to a theatre for tickets, and won the 'seat lottery'. So after being here only 2 hours, I found myself sitting in the front row (bench actually) for '25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee' -- it was incredible! And the girl that I'm staying with is in it, and she was incredible!!!!

Then yesterday I went and saw 'Jersey Boys' (one of the best shows I've ever seen!!) and then Lauren and I snagged front row seats for Kristin Chenowyth's new show 'The Apple Tree'!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! She is SO amazing!!!!!!! What an actress -- what a singer -- what a performer!!!!

This morning I am going to head off to the Statue of Liberty! (Can't wait to take those photo's Jim!). And then going the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall. And before that we are going to go skating at Rockefeller Center!!

I hope everyone is well! Keep me in your thoughts and prayers!


Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

Oooh I LOVE the update, keep them coming so we can all live vicariously through you! jealous jealous very very jealous! Please give Lauren a SQUEEZE for me!

Kimmy said...

I'm very very very jealous too! Have a great time and I want to see all your pictures when you get back.

Ive said...

Holy smokes! You've been...productive! Keep on posting!

Are you going to go to the World of Disney Store and FAO Schwarz on 5th Ave? How fun would those places be during Christmas?!

Have fun!

Kaylee said...

I can't believe you've already done so much since you arrived! AND I CANT BELIEVE YOU SAW KRISTIN CHENOWETH LIVE! How jealous am I. So happy for you Lul.. live it up!

love ya