It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... SUPER CAEDENCE!!!! Just thought I'd share a few pics of my oh, so handsome son who was Superman for Halloween! He was soooo cute! I made him a muscle suit for under his costume and he kept asking me, "Mommy, where's my muscles? Do you have my muscles?" in fear that I would leave them at Nanna's and he wouldn't be able to wear them to preschool. While he was at school I carved the Super-Pumpkin for him -- he loved that too. I didn't get to go trick or treating with him, as I had a Fiddler rehearsal, but my sister took picks for me and said that he was a very determined and polite trick or treater!! What a boy!
freakin' cutest superman kid ever.
well done on the pumpkin and the muscle suit! Oh lal, your creativity never ceases. love you!
love it! that's a sweet pumpkin too!
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