Monday, August 28, 2006


Once upon a time there was a young (not so young) girl with golden locks (not natural) who was having a crappy day. "Ho hum." she thought to herself. 'Even though the sun is shining and the sky is blue, I feel tired, grumpy and oh so frustrated' she lamented!! "What shall I do to remedy this calamity?"

She wandered down the street absently, searching for something to satisfy her internal need for happiness. "Where, oh where, shall I go to get a new sense of optimism and'shiny-ness' (that's for you Jen)?" And as quickly as she had thought the thought, her eye caught the hint of pink and the word SWANK on a door directly across the street.

'That's it!!' she cried. She began to smile and run across the street as she could barely contain her excitement, knowing that her utopia was so close.

'Hi.' she said timidly, afraid to ask...afraid to be rejected. 'Do you have time for me?' she asked while silently pleading with her eyes. 'Come back in 15 minutes.' That was it...that was all that stood between her and her utter satisfaction!

The minutes passed in a blur and so did their union... but when it was complete... so was she -- released and unleashed as a short haired woman!

(pictures to follow!!!!)


Laurz said...

im so confused! but coool!

Jenn's Yarn Addiction said...

SWANK is the *perfect* word for your new 'do, I love it love it! And PS - I love it! Such shiny-ness, I can't take it! THANKS for helping with the show this past weekend, I can't WAIT to see the end result!!

Kaylee said...

I love spontaneous-ness! sometimes you just gotta chop it off! I'm really one to talk...