Tuesday, September 12, 2006


My job as a parent is nearly complete, as today I dropped my son off for his first day of preschool.
It began as an adventure!!

We walked to his destiny, hand in hand.

We reached his new school 'Over the Rainbow' with a bit of time to spare...caed-waiting-to-go-inhe couldn't WAIT to enter!

He ran into the waiting room and immediately found his own cubby that I had shown him last week (he remembered where it was without ANY prompting!!!).
And then it was time to enter. He was off as quickly as he could go, making sure to tell his teacher as he went in "I got a new bat-pat (back pack)!"

Most of the other parents went in, but he seemed content to leave me at the door
caed-into-class which made me happy because I knew he felt safe!!

God, thank you for such a beautiful, loving and fun little boy!! Watch over him while he's at school!


Higor Cavalcante said...


Look, I'm sorry to just swing by your blog like that, but I was actually blog-hunting and came across yours. What a cute post! Your son's really, really cute.



Laurz said...

Awwwwwwwwwww TAEDENCE IS ALL GROWING Up!!! this makes me teary eyed. Love it! He's brill! You guys rock.

Danielle said...

Wow! Caed is such a big boy! He sounds confident and ready for his first baby step of independence! How are you and Brad? Ready? Sad? Or both? I can't believe he's in preschool! It feels like the baby shower was just yesterday!

Thanks for checking out my blog. Looking forward to staying connected!

Love and miss you,

Kaylee said...

So cuuuuute! How I miss those lazy, hazy, crazy days of preschool. Glad to hear he handled the separation well! And good for you to finally have a bit more time on your hands (hopefully!)


Amanda A said...

Aw, what a cutie!

Glad to see he's excited about preschool! What a big step!

Unknown said...

To Shandy (if you look again),
I was 100% being sarcastic about my job being almost done!!! For those who know me, and my dedication to my child, they would catch the joke right away -- so never fear!!!

Laurz said...

hahhah.. oh shandy.. such a kidder