Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cresent Beach!

The story behind the photo's is on our 'family' blog...
If you're interested check it out at

But I thought I'd post some of my favorite picks here too!

Monday, June 26, 2006

My Uvula is Huge!!!!

Well, wouldn't you know's time for Brad to leave on his mission trip which means, it's time for me to get sick!!!

Felt like I was swallowing a golf ball ALL night (actually a golf ball covered in stinging nettles!!). Brad said 'Farewell' at 5 am, and I got up and looked at my GIANT uvula!!!!

I know what you're thinking...and don't!!! It was swollen, red and kind of transparent -- something was definitely wrong in the state of England! So I called the DR. first thing and went in. "Yup! It's Strep!". that's all?!

Well, I'm glad I went first thing and started antibiotics as strep is usually pretty responsive!

Keep me in your prayers as my uvula returns to normal and I don't have the 'relief' of another tag-team parent!

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Had a very long week filled with lots of stress, emotional and otherwise. Held amazing auditions for 'Fiddler on the Roof' and can't wait to begin the actual project. Musical director, Chris King, is on his much needed and deserved honeymoon, and I think we've decided to hold off casting decisions until then. Saw some unbelievable talent, that I hope will join us.
So incredibly exhausted right now that I just sat here at the keyboard for a couple of seconds without one thought going through my head (for me that's pretty good!!).
If anyone who came out to the Fiddler auditions reads this then: Congratulations and thank you for coming out and giving a little piece of yourself!! L'haim!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Theatre Under the Stars... Returns?
I went to the annual members meeting for Theatre Under the Stars and was nominated and voted onto the board of directors.
As you all know, TUTS is in shambles and could very likely not return to us next summer... BUT the new board (filled with INCREDIBLE people!) is determined to not only resurrect the theatre society, but impliment radical changes so that it will survive and thrive for the next 20 years! Talk of fundraising, major changes, great shows, sponsors, promotion etc. has me excited to be apart of 'history'.
I am also hoping to get the 'younger generation' more involved. Have more input...more say...more involvment...more creativity... Someday, all too soon, TUTS will have to be run by US!!! Why not learn how to do it successfully!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Just the beginning!

This is an introduction to the mess that is my life. I don't really mean it in a negative's just the my life is quite unique and all over the place.